Tsemay Tribe - Omo Valley Tour

Way of Life of the Tsemay Tribe

The Tsemay tribe live around the Woito River and are predominantly agriculturalists. The principal livelihood of the Tsemay is rearing livestock, but they practice agriculture alongside animal husbandry. They mainly produce sorghum and maize using the slash-and-burn method and shifting cultivation. They have a tradition of cooperating with each other during land preparation, as well as farming and harvesting, which is a common feature of most of the tribes in the Omo area. Decisions are made by calling a bulky (general assembly). The spiritual leader of the Tsemay tribe is the Bogolko, who prays for rain, good harvests, and the health of children and also makes sacrifices. Tsemay tribes are considered to be masters of witchcraft by people in the urban areas of the southern Omo area.

Diet of the Tsemay

Similar to all the lowland tribes of the Omo, the main staple of the Tsemay tribe is prepared from sorghum and maize. In the absence of sufficient grain, they use local plants such as Halekko (moringa), Erro, Merahie, and Machie as alternative foodstuffs. In times of surplus, the Tsemay mix sorghum with ash so that it can be stored for a long time without being spoilt or damaged by insects.

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The Appearance of the Tsemay Tribe of Ethiopia

The men wear the ode, a sarong-like garment. They also wear beaded ornaments on their elbows and neck. Until marriage, girls wear garments made from cotton or leather. Married women wear the Fulat, a skirt made from leather that is narrowed at the front and thicker at the back. They also wear Kashe (a necklace).

Tsemay Tribe Marriage

The Tsemay tribe has five types of marriage:
• Haliko egail – arranged marriage
• Wawaki bais – consensual marriage
• Midi – marriage through abduction
• Shano – marriage by inheritance
• Sagarte – replacement marriages.

Ceremonial Events of Tsemay Tribe Ethiopia
Marriage (Keberko)

In most cases, unlike the other tribes of the Omo Valley, the Tsemay tribe does not have their partner chosen for them. They are free to make their own choice. When a couple agrees to live together, the groom will take the girl to his father’s house. The father then smears the bride with butter and prepares a skirt made of goatskin. The following morning the father sends elders to the girl’s house. When the girl’s father agrees, the dowry is paid. The bride’s family then prepares a feast for the couple and the groom’s family. At the end of the ceremony, both families give their blessing to the newlyweds.

Conflicts / Disputes

The Tsemay people are considered one of the most peaceful peoples among the tribes of the Omo Valley. The existence of the same spiritual chief of the Arbore and Tsemay has enabled them to live peacefully and help each other.

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